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Phone: +353 (0)87 2136061


Unit 17
Ridgeview, monavalley. ind est
Co. Kerry.

087 2136061

VM Zinc




VMZINC offers distinctive and original surface aspects. This warm, luminous, highly expressive material responds freely to the play of light, its colours shifting to reflect the changing hues of the sky.

Because of its mechanical and aesthetic flexibility it lends itself to the creation of an often original, sometimes unexpected, but always happy marriage with other materials: wood, brick, cement, glass, etc.


A natural material

There are many reasons for choosing VMZINC for your roofing and facade projects. Zinc is naturally extremely durable and does not require costly maintenance. In addition, the flexibility, malleability and versatility of zinc, combined with its pleasing aspect, make it the material of choice for imaginative building projects from individual homes to commercial complexes, public buildings and private projects.

A top performing alloy

VMZINC is rolled zinc alloyed with copper and titanium to produce a material with optimum mechanical and physical characteristics for building applications, particularly with regard to material's mechanical resistance and creep resistance.

VMZINC is composed of very high quality zinc Z1 (99,995% pure zinc), as defined by the EN 1179 standard, to which titanium and copper are added in order to obtain rolled zinc according to the European standard EN 988. This standard imposes very stringent specifications for the composition of rolled zinc and its physical, mechanical and dimensional characteristics, which make it an international reference.

Whilst the VMZINC brand complies with all the specifications of the EN 988 standard, we have gone beyond the requirements of this standard to create the PREMIUMZINC quality system. It offers an even higher level of quality than EN 988 certification. For more information, please contact your VMZINC office